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How Aimfox Campaigns work
How Aimfox Campaigns work

Learn exactly how Aimfox automates your LinkedIn account

Bozidar Nikolic avatar
Written by Bozidar Nikolic
Updated over 9 months ago

What is a Campaign Flow

Campaigns work by automating certain high impact actions on the user's LinkedIn account in order to grow their network.

Every campaign only affects a pre-defined set of LinkedIn accounts, or Targets. This set of targets is called the campaign Audience.

The campaign then automates your LinkedIn actions in order to engage that Audience. This sequence of steps is called a "Campaign Flow". You can define exactly what steps your Flow should execute during campaign creation.

You can create up to two Primary flows in a single campaign. This is called a Split Test. Every Target is assigned to a single flow, and once assigned, cannot be reassigned.

In addition to a Primary flow, your campaign can also include secondary flows used for InMail optimization. Targets assigned to the InMail flow will not perform any actions from the primary flow.

Campaign Flow Logic Explained

Connection request Flow

This is the most commonly used flow, and it is available in every Aimfox campaign. It works by sending a connection request to your Target, and can follow up with a direct message sequence if the target accepts your connection request.

  1. View profile: View the target's profile

  2. Send Connection Request: Send a connection request, optionally accompanied by a Note. Notes are only available for LinkedIn Premium accounts due to LinkedIn's policies

    • If the target accepts the connection, they can be queued for a follow-up sequence

    • If the target declines, the connection request is withdrawn

  3. Enroll Target in follow-up sequence (Optional): Send a direct message to the Target, after they accept your connection request

    • Every message in the sequence can be delayed for as long as you want

    • Sequences are immediately stopped as soon as Aimfox detects a reply from your target. This helps you avoid sending out of context messages

Message request Flow

Message Requests are LinkedIn's unique way of allowing users to connect with others that they have a shared topic with. You can send a message request to communicate with coworkers, event attendees, members who are #OpenToWork or Group members that you aren’t already connected with. This Flow is available in Group and Event campaigns.

  • View profile: View the target's profile

  • Send Message Request: Send a message request to the target

  • Enroll Target in follow-up sequence (Optional): Send a direct message to the Target, with a specified delay. Unlike connection requests, you do not have to wait to connect with a target to enroll them in a follow-up sequence.

    • Every message in the sequence can be delayed for as long as you want

    • Sequences are immediately stopped as soon as Aimfox detects a reply from your target. This helps you avoid sending out of context messages

InMail flow

Free InMails are an excellent option to optimize your campaigns. Activating an InMail flow allows your campaign to send viable targets an InMail instead of a connection or message requests. Since all actions on LinkedIn are capped by a weekly limit, saving some of your precious connection requests can hugely improve your performance.

  • View Profile: View the target's profile.

  • Send InMail: If the target's profile is open to receiving a Free InMail, send one.

    • If the profile is not Open, revert back to the Primary flow.

InMails cannot be followed up with a direct message sequence.

Additional Features

Each flow can be customized with Templates and additional advanced Features like AI Enhancement, or Translation.

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