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Campaign types, actions & more
Group CampaignHow to engage LinkedIn Group members
Post CampaignHow to create a campaign targeting Posts on LinkedIn
How Aimfox Campaigns workLearn exactly how Aimfox automates your LinkedIn account
Outreach Campaigns and your subscriptionHow campaigns behave during your subscription's trial, cancellation and reactivation
How to Pause and Resume a campaignLearn about campaign states and how they impact interactions
Event Campaign
How to create an InMail only CampaignDid you know you can create an Aimfox campaign that only send free InMails to Open LinkedIn profiles?
Search CampaignHow to build a LinkedIn Search campaign directly in Aimfox
List or CSV CampaignHow to create a campaign from a custom list of LinkedIn usernames
Drip CampaignSend a message sequence to your 1st connections and Leads